Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A Gospel Flower from the Fifteenth Century

Below is Guenever's confession of her sin of adultery with Launcelot and its consequences (such as the death of Arthur and the destruction of his kingdom), and her trust in God's grace in Christ for salvation and intent of repentance, from Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur (with original Middle English spellings), first published in 1485.  (This is from the Norton Critical Edition published in 2004 by W. W. Norton & Company in New York City, edited by Stephen H. A. Shepherd, 1st edition, pp. 691-692.)

Than Sir Launcelot was brought before her; than the Quene seyde to all tho ladyes, “Throw thys same man and me hath all thys warre be wrought, and the deth of the moste nobelest knyghtes of the worlde; for thorow oure love that we have loved togydir ys my moste noble lorde slayne. Therefore, Sir Launcelot, wyte thou well I am sette in suche a plyght to gete my soule hele. And yet I truste, thorow Goddis grace and thorow Hys Passion of Hys woundis wyde, that aftir my deth I may have a syght of the blyssed face of Cryste Jesu, and on Doomesday to sytte on Hys ryght syde; for as synfull as ever I was, now ar seyntes in hevyn. And therefore, Sir Launcelot, I requyre the and beseche the hartily, for all the love that ever was betwyxt us, that thou never se me no more in the visayge. . . . and I pray the hartely to pray for me to the everlastynge Lorde that I may amende my mysselyvyng.”


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